>It’s an unfortunate truth that your car’s air filter needs replacing every so often. Even though it’s not the most glamorous part of owning a car, it’s an important one. Your car’s air filter traps dirt and dust from entering your engine, keeping it clean and ready to run. However, air filters only have a certain lifespan and eventually need to be replaced. Depending on how often you drive your car, how dirty your garage is, and how dusty your area is, you can expect your air filter to last anywhere from 100,000 to 150,000 miles. That means if you drive 10,000 miles per year, your filter will last about 80 to 110 months before needing to be replaced. But how do you know when it’s time to replace your air filter? There are a few signs that will alert you that it’s time to get a new one installed. Keep reading to learn more about these signs and how often you should be replacing your air filter.

Airflow Decrease

One of the first signs that your air filter needs replacing is a decrease in the amount of air flowing into your engine. If you notice that your car is taking longer to accelerate when you first turn the key, or if your car seems to run a bit more sluggish, this could be due to a clogged air filter. If you notice that your car is idling higher than normal, or that it runs rough, it could also be due to a dirty filter. If you notice that your car is running hot, or that the engine is making a strange tick or knocking noise, this could be a sign that your filter needs replacing. If you notice that your car is making a loud grinding noise when you accelerate, this could be a sign that your filter needs replacing.

Worn Out Filters

Another sign that your filter needs replacing is that it’s become extremely worn out. If you notice that your filter is extremely dirty, or if you can see that it’s been cut and unraveled, this could be a sign that it’s time to replace it. If your filter is so full of dirt and debris that it’s almost completely covering the filter, this could mean that it’s been clogged for a long time and needs to be replaced. If you notice that your filter is extremely thin and flimsy, or if it’s missing chunks of fabric, this could be a sign that it’s worn out and needs to be replaced.

Loose Filter

Another sign that your filter needs replacing is if it’s become extremely loose and the filter material is floating around inside the filter housing. This could be a sign that the filter is so clogged that it’s collapsed. If you notice that your filter is extremely loose and you can see dust and debris floating around inside the filter housing, this could be a sign that your filter needs replacing. If your filter is so loose that it’s floating around inside the filter housing, it could be a sign that the filter is damaged and needs to be replaced.

Dirty Filter

Another sign that your filter needs replacing is if it’s become extremely dirty. If you notice that your filter is extremely dirty and is full of dust and debris, this could be a sign that it’s been clogged for a long time and needs to be replaced. If you notice that your filter is full of dirt and dust, but isn’t as dirty as it used to be, this could be a sign that your filter is only a few months old and needs to be replaced.


As you can see, there are a few signs that will alert you that it’s time to replace your air filter. If you’ve noticed that your car is taking longer to accelerate, or if it’s running rough, your air filter is clogged. If you’ve noticed that your car is idling higher than normal, or if it runs hot, your filter may be dirty. If you’ve noticed that your filter is extremely worn out, or if it’s become extremely loose, it’s time to replace it. If you’ve noticed that your filter is extremely dirty, it’s time to replace it.

Frequently Asked Question

Make sure you change your air filter every 3 months or 90 days if you live in the suburbs. If you seldom visit your house or if you live alone and oftentimes spend more hours at work, then you can change your air filter every 6 – 12 months. However, if you have a pet, you ought to change it every 2 months. If you have more than one pet or if anyone at home has allergies, make sure to clean it every 20-45 days.
A dirty filter can create damage to your AC. Dust accumulation or too much build-up can cause your AC to work improperly. It would also entail an increase in your electricity bills since it will pressure the unit to work hard to compensate for the desired output. Soon your unit will experience a failure in its system, making you spend more in the process.
Dust will build up in your HVAC unit causing premature damage to your unit. Airborne impurities will also make their way to your home causing respiratory problems and allergies.
Technically, dust will build up in your AC Unit. Soon it will find its way circulating inside your room giving you allergies and respiratory problems. It will also restrict the flow of cold air which will cause a buildup in your unit. In time, the build-up will cause your unit to ice up hampering its performance.